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IntegraSys Celebrates 20 years!

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In life, milestones are a wonderful opportunity to pause and reflect, especially in today’s hectic and constantly changing business environment. This year, IntegraSys is celebrating 20 years of innovation in the Direct Store Delivery industry. We are proud of our roots in this industry and are so very grateful to you for your partnership and friendship.

Many of our partners have been with us for the majority of these years while some are new to the IntegraSys family. Regardless, we look forward to continued innovations as we improve and expand our solution offerings while we embrace new and emerging technologies that will ultimately help all of us do our jobs more efficiently.

We received many very kind 20th Anniversary greetings. We picked a few to share with you:

“Congratulations on 20 years as a business! You and your team should be very proud, not many companies have the opportunity to achieve this milestone. We appreciate the partnership and look forward to continuing to work with you.”
Nestlé USA | Steve Kross | Division Vice President

“We appreciate the partnership we have had with IntegraSys! Your openness to innovation and willingness to meet our needs have helped our business grow and diversify.”
Huff | John Huff | President

“As a company in the DSD Business, we would not have been able to achieve and accomplish all that we have done through the years without IntegraSys. They have been instrumental in all of the key technological areas that run our business. Their staff is first class and is always extremely responsive.”
Arctica Frozen Solutions | Todd Michaels | President

Now, let’s get back to work!

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