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DSD Manager® application now available in the Cloud

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IntegraSys is proud to announce that our DSD Manager® application suite is now available as a Cloud-hosted solution with our private cloud services offering.

“Focus more on running your business and not maintaining your local servers.”

All you need is an internet connection and you are in!  No more having to backup your data or invest and maintain servers – IntegraSys Cloud Services has that covered. We also handle the configuration of the ACE Console middleware component for you.

Everything you need to run the DSD Manager® application suite can now be managed via Cloud Services, including:

  • Access to the DSD Manager cloud anytime. anywhere.
  • Support for PC, MAC and iOS devices
  • Safe & Secure daily data backup
  • Hosted in a state-of-the-art private data center
  • Document Management
  • ACE Console® Middleware (upload/download handhelds & iPhones)
  • Setup & access to Store Locator® App – real-time sales info right from your smartphone!

To get started, contact us at: (888) 550-4700 or

DSD Manager

Streamline Your DSD

Win more sales and customers with DSD Manager, our Route Accounting Solution created specifically for your distribution business’s needs.
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