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Covid-19 Statement

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A message from Peter D’Angelo, Managing Director.


To our valued partners,

I just wanted to write to you personally to reassure you that your friends at IntegraSys are here for you – now more than ever. We realize that these are difficult times for us (both personally and professionally), but we also realize that many of you are a vital link in the supply chain. With many folks in lockdown, they are relying on the comfort foods and treats that many of you distribute. This is critical not only for our mental well-being and but for the economy at large.

As of last week, in following the orders of our governor and the CDC, IntegraSys implemented a work-from-home policy for all our employees. With all the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19, we want to personally assure our business partners that we are taking proactive measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus within our community.

We understand that you depend on us to ensure the seamless operation of your system and as such, we will continue to take live support calls and offer our continued assistance via email support. Our internal prevention policy should not impact your business proceedings and we thank you for your understanding and for your patience with us during this time.  

As we all adapt to a changing world, this may be a good time to evaluate the processes you have in place and make the appropriate changes such as considering paperless transactions, modify your signature capture requirements and establish a protocol for cleaning / disinfecting mobile devices (handhelds, tablets, printers, scanners and DEX cables).

We continue to pray that all of your families and loved ones are safe, and we offer our prayers for those that have been directly or indirectly affected by this pandemic. This pandemic has forced many of us to rethink our priorities and reassess what’s truly important to us – at the end of the day it comes down to the health and well-being of our family, friends and loved ones.

Prayers and best wishes,
Peter D’Angelo

Managing Director

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact support at or call us at (908) 686-5200.

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